Your support is crucial to supporting the LARSO services and programs that improve the well-being and quality of life of our Los Alamos-area seniors. LARSO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, EIN: 85-0455765. You can donate to LARSO with a check, credit card, or Paypal. Submit checks to: Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization, 1101 Bathtub Row, Los Alamos, NM 87544.
Fund Descriptions
General Fund: Donations made to this fund support the overall operations of the Senior Activity Centers.
Lunch Fund: Donations to this fund go to support meal services for seniors who can’t afford to pay.
Specific Donations: Donations to this fund are for a specific purpose, such as staff appreciation, exercise equipment, art supplies, etc. You’ll specify on the checkout page.
Other Ways to Support LARSO
The Senior Activity Centers have an endowment fund through the Los Alamos Community Foundation. We are building this reserve as a financial bedrock for our organization’s future. When you donate to our Endowment, you donate to the perpetuity of the Senior Activity Centers. We hope that the Endowment will grow with us and support our seniors in the long term. If you’d like to donate to our endowment, click HERE.
Leave a Legacy
Please consider leaving a legacy gift in your will to the Los Alamos Community Foundation designating the Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization (LARSO). Endowment Funds are invested, and the earnings from this fund are disbursed to our organization annually. Your donation will continue to give back to LARSO every year! More information may be found at losalamoscf.org.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Increase the power of your gift by 50% when you donate to LARSO through LANL’s payroll. Triad will match 50% of all donations! You can donate once or biweekly, and setup is easy. Here are the instructions:
Go to LANL Inside (the internal homepage)
Click on the green button that says GIVE/VOLUNTEER
From the Welcome page, choose “Employee Giving”
Click “Make Your Gift”
Select Biweekly giving
On the Organization Search, type: LARSO
Make your donation and hit “save and proceed”, then “submit”, and wait for the confirmation screen
Smith's Supports the Senior Activity Centers (Through the Friends of the Senior Centers)
Every time you shop at Smith’s and use your rewards card, they donate 0.5% of your total order to our nonprofit. Setting it up is easy:
Using your browser (not the mobile app), go to www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/signin
Sign into your Smith's Rewards digital account or choose Create An Account and fill in the information.
Link your REWARDS card to your organization - our number is BG981 - or search for Friends of the Senior Center or Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization.
Choose SAVE.