Coordinator’s Corner
Hi everyone,
I’m excited to share my goals and vision with you. When I think about programming at the Senior Activity Centers, three key words come to mind: Collaboration, Awareness, and Connection.
Collaboration: We will support the strong relationships LARSO already has with many local organizations, and continue to grow our capacity within our community and across the state. This month you’ll see we’ve partnered county, regional, and national organizations to offer resources to stay healthy this fall. These programs include Blood Pressure Checks from Los Alamos Visiting Nurses Service, Flu & Covid Vaccines from Nambe Drugs, and access to the CDC’s Respiratory Illness Data Channel to monitor local and regional health trends this fall and winter.
Awareness: We will focus our programming to align with nationally recognized awareness days, weeks, and months. A great example of this can be found in our events for October’s Month of Arts & Culture, a local initiative organized by Los Alamos Mainstreet to recognize National Arts & Humanities Month. LARSO is pleased to participate in this month and raise awareness of the positive impact of the arts on our older adults.
Connection: We will foster connection between White Rock and Betty Ehart Senior Activity Centers, as well as with senior centers outside Los Alamos County. In the coming months you will see more alternating programs and similar events offered at both Betty Ehart & White Rock. This month we will offer Lunchtime Music at each center, and we will start alternating the First Friday Movie series between centers. You can also now register for the Older Adult Wellness Summit, a FREE event funded by Los Alamos Social Services. We hope to see our members at the Summit, as well as many of our neighbors from nearby pueblos, communities, and counties.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the short and long-term programming initiatives at the Senior Activity Centers. I look forward to seeing the Centers continue to build a positive impact in our community.