Transportation Services
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Request an In-County Ride | Request an Off-the-Hill Ride
Transportation services are available on a limited basis for members. Suggested donations are $4.00 each way for members 60 and over. Please provide a 24-hour notice for transportation requests. LARSO offers three types of transportation: In-County, Off-the-Hill, and Field Trips.
Participants must reside within Los Alamos County
Participants must be at least 60 years old or have a documented disability
Participants must be a member of the Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization
In-County Transportation
Accessible and reliable transportation is crucial for our seniors’ independence and well-being. LARSO offers door-to-door transportation services for seniors to attend medical appointments, go grocery shopping, attend social activities, and run other essential errands.
In addition to in-county transportation services, LARSO offer rides outside of Los Alamos County specifically for medical appointments through our volunteer driver program. Please note that this service is exclusively available for medical-related trips.
Field Trips
LARSO’s transportation services sponsors field trips across New Mexico. See the Special Events page to learn whether there are any upcoming field trips.
Email: rides@losalamosseniorcenter.com
Info and request a ride: (505) 662-8922
Transportation Office Location:
White Rock Senior Center
Hours of Operation:
9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday-Friday. Closed for federal holidays.