Director's Corner - Balance: Preventing Falls and Injury

BALANCE - it’s such a big word and relates to so many parts of our lives. Don’t you try to balance your life; your budget, time with friends and family, community service and hobbies? It’s good to know that by practicing balance, you not only enhance your ability to physically balance, but also will find better mental, emotional and spiritual balance off your mat.

When we first learn to walk, the more balance we have the easier it is to move. The same is true as we age. In addition, better balance helps us to prevent falls.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that falls are more common among those who are 65 plus. Falls are considered a public health concern as they lead to injury and injury death. However, falls ARE NOT a normal part of aging, although our sense of balance can shift as we age. This is often due to medications or medical conditions.

Balance involves increasing our sense of awareness or proprioception - where our body is in space. Luckily, we can improve and challenge our balance.

Headshot of LARSO Executive Director, Jacci Gruninger

The goal is to practice balance daily, either with support or not, depending on your comfort level. It is also important to do so with non-judgmental awareness. Keep an open mind, “let’s see what I am capable of today.” Even if you wobble or need to hold on you are still enhancing your body, mind and vestibular system’s sense of balance. (See more on p.6)

I'm learning to balance all kinds of new things as your Executive Director, thanks for your continued support. AND our next Matter of Balance starts this month on September 26th in White Rock.

Wishing you balance in all things - Jacci


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