August 2023 “Word from the Director”

It’s Summer - A Great Time to Slow Down

Say the words, I AM SLOWING DOWN. How does it make you feel?

No matter what, time moves quickly. And, I have been told at the Senior Center that I move quickly. Right now it feels like there is SO much to do and I am grateful for the team I get to work with to get things done. The good news is I have only one kitchen staff to fill. Be sure to welcome our new staff members. And, after 6-weeks, although there is still a lot to do, I believe this is a good time of year to slow down and enjoy. I've been trying to eat lunch in our lovely Jerry Bower garden (have you visited lately?) at Betty Ehart or to eat outside in the courtyard in White Rock.

It can be hard to remember to slow down when there seems like so much to do. I recall Stephen Cope writing in Yoga and the Quest for The True Self that for a period of time, his yoga practice was taking a nap. I haven't quite gotten there yet, but it is sounding more and more like a good idea. If you see me napping at the center, just give me a little nudge (wink, wink).

Typically, you hear about the transition from fall to winter as a time to start slowing down. I say slow down in summer. It might seem early to consider, but if you feel hurried and that time is moving too quickly, I invite you to start slowing down now. It takes practice, patience, and persistence. At least that is what I am discovering.

This month, start with a few of these activities for slowing down. Sit still for one minute with your eyes closed. Notice how you feel.

When you hear a phone beep, ping, or buzz, yours or someone else's, take a deep breath.

Spend 5 minutes noticing what you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste.

Take water-sipping breaks throughout the day.

Rotate your spine. Twisting helps strengthen your nerve cell pathways, improves memory, and supports your nervous system.

Put your feet above your heart every day.

Let someone ahead of you in line. Kindness and generosity are great ways to help you slow down.

Let me know how your slowing down is going, enjoy the month.



August 2023 Volunteer Spotlight!


Wildfire Season