July 2023 “Word from the Director”

Beauty Inside and Out

Hello Dear Members,

It's been a whirlwind these first few weeks as your new Executive Director. I am busy getting to know my staff, board members, the job, and of course all of you. I expect this will continue at least for the first few months!

I recently enjoyed a hike from Frijoles Canyon to Bandelier, and the beauty of this canyon made me pause and consider why I love living in Los Alamos. We are surrounded by so much beauty.

And, in my short few days in this role, I am reminded that beauty is not only around us but also within each of us. I have been so welcomed at both our Senior Centers - White Rock and Betty Ehart. I find kindness, smiles and community to be a form of beauty within us. I hope to contribute to this inner and outer beauty at both our centers.

On the business side, know that we are working to create more outer beauty at both our centers - cleaning up clutter, reorganizing, and working on our gardens. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Los Alamos Volunteer Association (505-662-8920) to sign up. We'd love to see and work with you.

Thank you for your patience these next few months as I catch up with all that happens with our senior centers.

Stop by and say hello, I'd love to meet you. Wishing you well,



Betty Ehart Kitchen Renovations


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