Holiday Calm - Not Chaos
This is it, the last four weeks before we turn the calendar. Hard to believe 2023, is almost over. And, if you are like most people, the holidays don’t always come with joy and cheer. It seems like they are often filled with dread, busyness, rushing, and often a lack of kindness. This is the best time to turn inward and find a bit of space for yourself each day. It’s also the perfect time to set up your self-support and inner resources to stay steady and calm during the holidays.
When we are calm, we can be kinder to ourselves and to others. Now that sounds like a holiday I want to participate in.
This week, try implementing one or both of these techniques to help center yourself so you can be centered with others.
Note: if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure be sure to move out of the poses slowly.
Forward Fold on a Chair (props - chair, towel or pillow) (2-3 minutes)
Place a towel or pillow on a chair. Standing in front of the chair legs a comfortable distance apart, bend your knees and fold forward resting your arms (genie like or to the sides of the chair).
Let your head rest on your forearms or the chair (if they don’t reach, fold some towels until your head rests comfortably.
To release, engage your abdominal wall, lift your torso, hands to your knees and SLOWLY stand. Pause and feel.
Feet up the Wall (props - blanket, yoga mat, small hand towel) (5-15 minutes)
Place a blanket or yoga mat (short side) against a wall. Sit with your right hip/shoulder adjacent to a wall, knees bent.
Release your right arm/hand back behind you.
Begin to lean back toward the floor as you rotate your legs up on the wall. You may have to do a little scooching to get your bum to the wall)
If your chin is tilted up to the sky, place a folded hand towel under your head to elongate your neck.
To release, bend your knees, pause for a few breaths, roll to one side, pause for 2-3 minutes and then SLOWLY sit up.