Ready for the Holiday Season?Do You Need a Wellness Budget?
With the holiday season approaching we each need a “wellness budget”. Consider the activities you engage in within each of the wellness wheel categories. Are you overspending, under spending? The goal is to create a balanced, harmonious budget. If you are tired in one area, it ultimately depletes all the areas - there is lack of balance.
After you have determined where you are in each category, then create a list of things that will help you replenish those categories. Below you’ll find some examples of how to find rest in a few of the categories physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, financial, environmental and social:
Physical Rest
Schedule a nap
Practice walking meditation inside or outside.
Shake and wiggle
Spiritual Rest
Be with nature
Go on retreat
Intellectual Rest
Read a fun book that draws you inside
Practice seated meditation watching your thoughts come and go
Emotional Rest
Let yourself cry
Seek support from family, friends or professionals
Practice Metta Loving Kindness Meditation
Environmental Rest
Check your home for air and water quality
Create space, declutter
Financial Rest
Create a budget with a bit of wiggle room
Be truthful about your financial situation
Set reasonable goals for yourself
Social Rest
Consider your relationships - do they feed you or drain you?
Pause or increase social interactions as needed