Friends of the Senior Centers
Frequently Asked Questions
By Donna Haynes, FOSC Board Member
Who are the FOSC?
Friends of the Senior Centers of Los Alamos (FOSC), is an all-volunteer organization that applied for Articles of Incorporation and became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1996.The founding group included: Beverly Keenan, Faith Stephens, Bill and Geneva Stoms. FOSC was created to raise funds in support of the Senior Centers.
Why is FOSC needed?
Los Alamos County has a relatively large population of older adults and few age appropriate activities or social events.The two Senior Activity Centers are striving to provide these, while struggling with funding sources that do not fully support this need. FOSC provides an additional funding source for the Senior Activity Centers, with the flexibility to assist with emergencies, continued growth, and other unfunded needs without reducing their current State and County funding.
What is the difference between LARSO and FOSC?
The Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization (LARSO) is a Los Alamos County (LAC) contractor and part of the State of New Mexico’s Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging (AAA). It works, in partnership with the LAC and the NM Aging and Long Term Services Department, to be a focal point for the delivery of the Older Americans Act services. These two organizations provide approximately 90% of the center’s funding. The remaining 10% is provided by donations. LARSO’s staff operates the Activity Centers under the guidance of a Board of Directors and government standards and guidelines.
FOSC has a Board of Directors which oversees all expenditures. The organization is all volunteers and has no paid positions. It supports the Senior Activity Centers using donated funds.
What is the best way to donate, FOSC or LARSO?
The best way to support the Centers involves donating in a way that does not reduce its current State and County funding. These are:
Donate to FOSC
Donate to LARSO and designate it for the Unrestricted Fund (entire donation available to fund existing expenditures)
Donate to LARSO’s Endowment Fund hosted by the Los Alamos Community Foundation
How do I become a member of FOSC?
You can sign up at, send an email to or call us at 505-672-8402.
Is there a cost to be a member?
Signing up is free.
Starting in June of 2024, we are offering new membership levels that feature enhanced membership benefits.
Free: Receive Los Alamos Senior Center (LARSO) Newsletter monthly via email,
FOSC name badge (provided with new membership), notification of FOSC activities
& volunteer opportunities.
$10 per month ($100 annually): Same benefits as above, plus two 1-lunch cards to gift to other eligible* guests (provided with new membership), 1 ticket to Annual FOSC Donor Recognition Event, and membership donations are eligible for FOSC donor tree**
$50 per month ($550 annually): Same benefits as above, plus two 1-lunch cards to gift to other eligible* guests (provided twice a year), 10-lunch punch card for use by LARSO members (provided once each month),2 tickets to Annual FOSC Donor Recognition Event
OSC anticipates that benefits at each level will be enhanced each year.
*Eligible guests are at least 60 years of age.
** FOSC Donor Tree will be located on the upper west wall of the Betty Ehart Senior Center (additional details can be provided on request from FOSC).