How we are funded
How we are funded
The State (and in part the Federal Government) are the second way we fund our Senior Activity Centers. Every year we enter into budget negotiations with the Non Metro Area Agency on Aging (NMAAA). This funding is provided by a partnership between the Administration on Aging and the New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department (NMALTSD). The New Mexico Legislature is the funding source for the state funds. NMAAA then determines how much of this amount is divided by the 52 Senior Centers in the state and provides us the funds for congregate and home delivered meals, transportation, and our Day Out program.
The state does not provide funding to help with staff time, equipment, or office supplies for any other programs or items we provide like coffee, snacks, line dancing, Bridge, Quilters, etc. For these programs we need to use our own funds.
State funding is done on a reimbursement basis. If you are a member, have a meal with us, and sign-in, we in turn are partially reimbursed for the cost of your meal. If you have not been reassessed or are not a member, we do not get reimbursed. The cost of your lunch is $12.51, we get reimbursed $5.82.