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Blood Pressure Checks, BESAC

  • Betty Ehart Senior Activity Center 1101 Bathtub Row Los Alamos, NM, 87544 United States (map)

Unlike other health conditions that pop up with warning signs, high blood pressure rarely comes with symptoms, which is how it earned the name “the silent killer.” About 1 in 3 people who have hypertension don't know it and therefore aren't being treated for it. 

The only way to know for sure if you have high blood pressure is to check your numbers regularly. It is recommended for people over 40 to get their blood pressure checked annually. LARSO & LAVNS have teamed up to offer monthly Blood Pressure Checks at both Senior Activity Centers. Get a blood pressure reading from a friendly local nurse.

No sign-ups needed, just walk in!

Location: Downstairs Lounge

April 8

Blood Pressure Checks, WRSAC

April 11

Smart Driver Course [AARP], WRSAC