Upcoming Special Events
Select Center (optional)

Blood Pressure Checks, WRSAC
Unlike other health conditions that pop up with warning signs, high blood pressure rarely comes with symptoms, which is how it earned the name “the silent killer.” About 1 in 3 people who have hypertension don't know it and therefore aren't being treated for it.
The only way to know for sure if you have high blood pressure is to check your numbers regularly. It is recommended for people over 40 to get their blood pressure checked annually. LARSO & LAVNS have teamed up to offer monthly Blood Pressure Checks at both Senior Activity Centers. Get a blood pressure reading from a friendly local nurse.
No sign-ups needed, just walk in!
Location: Main Building

High Tea: Sponsored by Enterprise Bank & Trust, WRSAC
Join LARSO for an afternoon of High Tea! Participants can look forward to caffeinated and herbal tea, delightful desserts, and live music by Santa Fe pianist Billy Turney. This event is FREE to members of the Senior Activity Centers, please call the Center you would like to enjoy High Tea at to sign up.
Location: Great Room

Watercolor Pencils
Take a fun Watercolor Pencils workshop with Susanne Egan!
$30/members, $35/non-members.
Call 505-662-8920 to sign up.

Lunch & Learn: Arthritis & Diet, WRSAC
If you struggle with arthritis, you know how frustrating joint pain and stiffness can be. While there’s no magic cure, the good news is that what you eat can make a difference in how you feel. Certain foods can help reduce inflammation in the body, while others may make symptoms worse.
Join Kate Cleveland from Kiss Your Food for a special Lunch and Learn on how diet influences arthritis symptoms.
Please call 505-672-2034 to sign up!
Location: Main Classroom

Toenails with Tina, WRSAC
This is a great service for anyone who has mobility limitations or experiences conditions that make it difficult to care for their toenails. It's also great for those who just like the convenience of a friendly professional!
Call 505-662-2034 to sign up; $25
Location: Studio Classroom

LARSO Board of Directors, WRSAC
The Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization (LARSO) Board of Directors meets every third Thursday of the month. Public is welcome to attend these meetings to learn more about the Senior Activity Center leadership and key initiatives the Board is addressing in 2025.
The LARSO Board of Directors alternates meeting at the Betty Ehart and White Rock Senior Activity Centers.

Weight Room Tutorial with YMCA Personal Trainer, WRSAC
Have you been meaning to try out our Exercise Room but don't know where to start? Join YMCA Personal Trainer Corinn for a free tutorial on the equipment in the Exercise Room!

Monthly Birthday Celebration, WRSAC
Join your LARSO family at the White Rock Senior Activity Center for a monthly Birthday Celebration! We will sing Happy Birthday and give chocolate bars to those celebrating another trip around the sun.
March Birthday Lunch: Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms, roasted asparagus, brown rice, vanilla yogurt, orange
Be sure to sign up for lunch by 9am that day! White Rock: 505-672-2034

Jack’s Tall Tales
If you like local history, please come to Jack's Tall Tales for a personal account of life in the Secret City over the past seven decades. Coffee & treats are always available to enjoy!

Blood Pressure Checks, WRSAC
About 1 in 3 people who have hypertension don't know it and therefore aren't being treated for it. The only way to know for sure if you have high blood pressure is to check your numbers regularly. LARSO & LAVNS have teamed up to offer monthly Blood Pressure Checks at both Senior Activity Centers. No sign-ups needed, just walk in!
Location: Main Building
![Smart Driver Course [AARP], WRSAC](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64a6276db1eb8d081602ba3f/1740690398784-IF29B8TMVNY3B7106B6R/Smart+Driver+MAR+2025.jpg)
Smart Driver Course [AARP], WRSAC
The Smart Driver course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. The cost is $20 for AARP members, $25 for nonmembers. Call 505-672-2034 to register.
Location: Studio Classroom

Toenails with Tina, WRSAC
This is a great service for anyone who has mobility limitations or experiences conditions that make it difficult to care for their toenails. It's also great for those who just like the convenience of a friendly professional!
Call 505-662-2034 to sign up; $25
Location: Studio Classroom

FOSC Board of Directors, WRSAC
The FOSC Board of Directors manages all funds and approves all expenditures made to the Los Alamos and White Rock Senior Activity Centers. Board meetings are held each month on the 3rd Thursday. The meeting location alternates between Betty Ehart Senior Activity Center and White Rock Senior Activity Center.
Location: Studio Classroom

Monthly Birthday Celebration, WRSAC
Join your LARSO friends at the White Rock Senior Activity Center for a monthly Birthday Celebration! We will sing Happy Birthday and give chocolate bars to those celebrating another trip around the sun. Be sure to sign up for lunch by 9am that day! White Rock: 505-672-2034
April Birthday Lunch: Spinach Quiche, California blend vegetables, vanilla yogurt, strawberries, granola
Location: Lunch Room

Jack’s Tall Tales
If you like local history, please come to Jack's Tall Tales for a personal account of life in the Secret City over the past seven decades. Coffee & treats are always available to enjoy!

Travel Lunch Lecture: Zimbabwe
Join Martin Cooper for a special presentation on his travels in Zimbabwe.
If you would like to enjoy lunch before the lecture, please call 505-672-2034.
Menu: Pot Roast, root vegetables, polenta, tossed salad, banana

Monthly Birthday Celebration, WRSAC
Join your LARSO family at the White Rock Senior Activity Center for a monthly Birthday Celebration! We will sing Happy Birthday and give chocolate bars to those celebrating another trip around the sun.

FOSC Board of Directors, WRSAC
The FOSC Board of Directors manages all funds and approves all expenditures made to the Los Alamos and White Rock Senior Activity Centers. Board meetings are held each month on the 3rd Thursday. The meeting location alternates between Betty Ehart Senior Activity Center and White Rock Senior Activity Center.
![Smart Driver Course [AARP]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64a6276db1eb8d081602ba3f/1737494973562-9GI27TLR2R6NUSLD7WTZ/Smart+Driver+FEB+2025.jpg)
Smart Driver Course [AARP]
The Smart Driver course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. The cost is $20 for AARP members, $25 for nonmembers. Call 505-672-2034 to register.

LARSO Board of Directors, BESAC
The Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization (LARSO) Board of Directors meets every third Thursday of the month. Public is welcome to attend these meetings to learn more about the Senior Activity Center leadership and key initiatives the Board is addressing in 2025.
The LARSO Board of Directors alternates meeting at the Betty Ehart and White Rock Senior Activity Centers.

Coffee & Conversation with Jacci, WRSAC
Join LARSO Director Jacci Gruninger for a monthly conversation about the Senior Activity Centers. Jacci will be available for questions, concerns, good thoughts, and accolades for staff! This is an opportunity to share your ideas in a positive and constructive manner. Jacci will alternate every other month between the Betty Ehart and White Rock Senior Activity Centers.
Location: Upper Lounge

Blood Pressure Checks, WRSAC
Stay on top of your health and get your blood pressure checked by a friendly nurse from Los Alamos Visiting Nurse Service! About 1 in 3 people who have hypertension don't know it and therefore aren't being treated for it. The only way to know for sure if you have high blood pressure is to check your numbers regularly.

Jack’s Tall Tales
If you like local history, please come to Jack's Tall Tales for a personal account of life in the Secret City over the past seven decades. Coffee & treats are always available to enjoy!

Monthly Birthday Celebration, WRSAC
Join your LARSO family at the White Rock Senior Activity Center for a monthly Birthday Celebration! We will sing Happy Birthday and give chocolate bars to those celebrating another trip around the sun.

Energy Incentives & Rebates, WRSAC
Looking to save money while making your home or business more energy efficient? Discover a range of tax incentives and rebates available for energy-efficient programs and products through the New Mexico Energy Conservation and Management (ECAM) Division.
Abbey Hayward, Water and Energy Conservation Coordinator with the Department of Public Utilities, will be available to help utility customers complete applications with ECAM by scanning and uploading necessary documents for them.

LARSO Board of Directors, BESC
The LARSO Board of Directors will meet at the White Rock Senior Center on November 21, 2024.

Lunch and Learn: Estate Planning, WRSC
Join us for an informative lunch and learn session focused on estate planning, designed specifically for seniors. This event will cover essential topics and provide practical guidance to help you make informed decisions about your future.

Winter Holiday Lunch, WRSC
Join your LARSO family at the White Rock Senior Center for a Winter Holiday lunch!

LARSO Board of Directors, WRSC
The LARSO Board of Directors will meet at the White Rock Senior Center on November 21, 2024.

Thanksgiving Lunch, WRSC
Join your LARSO family at the White Rock Senior Center for a Thanksgiving lunch!

Lunch & Learn: Financial Planning, WRSC
Join us for a financial planning lunch and learn designed specifically for seniors who want to better understand their financial future. This engaging session will provide valuable insights into managing finances during retirement, with a focus on practical strategies and resource